
Trehill Farm, Marloes is a coastal hay meadow which has developed a rich flora over the twenty-five years since it was taken out of arable production. We harvest a limited quantity from the seaward edge here, where the sward has a mixture of clovers, trefoils, vetches and coastal herbs such as wild carrot and thrift. Suitable for meadow creation projects in similarly exposed coastal locations. The species list below is for the whole field; those highlighted in bold are generally present in the mix.

Beaked Hawksbeard
Common Bent Grass
Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil
Common Mouse-ear
Common Sorrel
Common Vetch
Corn Marigold
Corn Spurrey
Creeping Bent Grass
Creeping Buttercup
Crested Dog’s-tail
English Stonecrop
Field Bindweed
Germander Speedwell
Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil
Hairy Bird’s-foot Trefoil
Hairy Tare
Kidney Vetch
Ladies Bedstraw
Lesser Knapweed
Lesser Stitchwort
Lesser Trefoil
Meadow Vetchling
Ox-eye Daisy
Perennial Rye-grass
Red Bartsia
Red Clover
Red Fescue
Ribwort Plantain
Scarlet Pimpernel
Sheep’s Sorrel
Soft Brome
Spreading Meadow Grass
Sweet Vernal Grass
Tufted Vetch
White Clover
Wild Carrot
Yellow Rattle
Yorkshire Fog